"CRUCIFY HIM," they furiously shouted.
This, sadly reflects the kind of Christianity that we have. We claim to be believers of Jesus, yet we continue to ignore the plight of the poor; we continue to gossip against our neighbors; we continue to play dead with the injustices in our society; and we continue to compromise the Gospel truths to the lies of this world. In short, we continue to sin. And the sad part is, we have sinned by choice.
Saint Paul, in his letter to the Hebrews (6:6), tells us that if we continue in our sinful ways, we "are RE-CRUCIFYING THE SON OF GOD for (ourselves) and holding Him up to contempt."
Today, as we hold up our palms and commemorate the triumphant entry of the Lord to Jerusalem to fulfill His salvific act on the cross, may we never forget the TRUE symbol the palms represent: MARTYRDOM.
Let us all be martyrs for Jesus, and it all begins if we turn away from sins.
Hosanna to the Son of David! Hosanna, Glory in the Highest!