On Selfishness

For all of us who claim to be Christians, selfishness should have no room in our hearts. Why? Because selfishness is a direct opposite of God's attribute. Remember how God, out of His love for us, willingly gave His only Begotten Son as "expiation for our sins" (cf. 1 John 2:2). Selfishness is practically the same as Greed! And Greed is a sin; and sin leads to death. Sin is an offense against God, a direct insult and mockery on His Being. The Catechism of the Church Church is very clear about this nature of sin: 

"Sin is an utterance, a deed, or a desire contrary to the eternal law. It is an offense against God. It rises up against God in a disobedience contrary to the obedience of Christ (CCC 1871)."

Selfishness is a blatant disregard to the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. It deviates to the fact that, as Christians, we ought to "serve and not to be served (cf. Mark 10:45); to freely give because we freely received (cf. Matthew 10:8) and to love because He first loved us (cf. 1 John 4:19)." It is sad and alarming that our world today has already imbibed the culture of selfishness. Many nations, many communities and many families are being destroyed by selfish motives and gains. People, even some Christians, are becoming predators of one another; losing compassion and eliminating respect.

Saint James, in his epistle, rightly states, "For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every foul practice (cf. James 3:16)." The divisions we see between nations, communities and families are direct result of our individual selfishness and corruption; and this, if we do not do something, could possibly lead to a chaotic end. Selfishness destroys good and harmonious relationships, which is important in building a peaceful world. Peace will only reign if we will pursue the common good and cease our selfish ambitions. We must remember that the choices we make today will determine the "future world" our Children will live in. 

We can still do something to counter the culture of selfishness, and it all begins at home. We need to educate the young and form their consciences according to the teachings of Christ. 

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