PALM SUNDAY THOUGHTS: "Let us all be martyrs for Jesus!"

The jubilant crowd who welcomed Jesus with Palms and Hosanna's upon His entry to Jerusalem are the exact same people, according to the Gospel, who would later demand the Lord's death on the cross.

"CRUCIFY HIM," they furiously shouted.

This, sadly reflects the kind of Christianity that we have. We claim to be believers of Jesus, yet we continue to ignore the plight of the poor; we continue to gossip against our neighbors; we continue to play dead with the injustices in our society; and we continue to compromise the Gospel truths to the lies of this world. In short, we continue to sin. And the sad part is, we have sinned by choice. 

Saint Paul, in his letter to the Hebrews (6:6), tells us that if we continue in our sinful ways, we "are RE-CRUCIFYING THE SON OF GOD for (ourselves) and holding Him up to contempt."

Today, as we hold up our palms and commemorate the triumphant entry of the Lord to Jerusalem to fulfill His salvific act on the cross, may we never forget the TRUE symbol the palms represent: MARTYRDOM.

Let us all be martyrs for Jesus, and it all begins if we turn away from sins.

Hosanna to the Son of David! Hosanna, Glory in the Highest!

God's "SPECIAL" Agents

Children are God’s blessing. They are the source of countless joys not just in every family, but also in the respective communities where they belong. 

My youngest sister and my nephew are both Children, BUT with special needs. My sister is diagnosed with Global Developmental Delay and Seizure Disorder; while, my nephew is diagnosed with Global Developmental Delay, Seizure Disorder and Cerebral Palsy. Imagine, two members of my family are suffering from these neurological disorders whose permanent cures are not yet known to this date. While there are many people who are sympathetic and empathic with the kind of situation we are in, there are also some who are insensitive and judgmental.  

There were moments in my life that I keep asking God with so many Why's and so many What's: “Why them? Why in our family? What have they done to deserve this? What have we done to deserve this?” But, you know, God is faithful! He always reassures me that everything is under control, that everything is for the benefit of our souls. Little by little, I am being led to the conviction that these Children were given to us to be our silent and innocent teachers who will guide us toward a close encounter with God. 


The greatest blessing of married life is to have a baby or babies.  I am married to my wife for more than two years now, but the said blessing, according to medical findings to my wife, seem far to be realized. My wife was recently diagnosed with uterine myoma and a total obstruction or blockage on her left fallopian tube. Our doctor said that my wife has still a 50% chance of becoming pregnant, since the right fallopian tube is unblocked and the right ovary is still producing eggs. Subsequently, the doctor advised us to have a “work-up” plan that would aid my wife to be pregnant by taking fertility pills. We monitored the effects of these fertility pills by having a series of ultrasounds to check for the dominant follicles. These dominant follicles, by the way, will release the egg or ovum through the process called ovulation. We do this “work-up” plan for the past 3 or 4 months, but the dominant follicles are always forming in my wife’s left ovary, which is connected to her blocked fallopian tube.


The Knights of Columbus in the Philippines, particularly the Luzon Jurisdiction, started the annual WALK FOR LIFE in the year 2009. This event is being done to convey to the Filipino people the urgent need of defending the Sanctity of Human Life in all its stages, from fertilization to natural end.

For this year's WALK FOR LIFE, the Knights of Columbus made partnership with Pro-Life Philippines and other life advocates. And this tie-up, I believe, is very strategic to intensify the campaign towards the promotion of the culture of life in the Philippines and, eventually, the World.

Below is the schedule of activities for that day:

7:15 Concelebrated Mass and short program at the San Andres Gym, march towards Luneta follows

8: 00 Assembly at Kalaw Corner Roxas Blvd, KofC joins other prolife groups/prayers start

10: 00 Disperse – Home Sweet Home

For more details, you may call the pro-life office at 733-70-27 or text at 09192337783 or email  at

Wear RED, Bring your rosaries and portable radio.

The Chapel of Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, Quezon City, Philippines

Facade of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina Chapel,
Quezon City, Philippines
I just wanted to share my family's experience last Saturday when we had our pilgrimage to the Chapel of Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina in Libis, Quezon City, Philippines.

We planned to go there at 1:00 PM since, under our calculated assumption, many people during that time are still having their Lunches and, therefore, few people will be at the chapel.

We preferred not to join the "rush" of people because with us is my nephew who is suffering from Seizure Disorder and Global Developmental Delay (Please pray for His immediate healing). But due to some unprecedented turn of events, we failed to be there at our appointed time. Instead, we arrived there at 4:30 PM, just in time for the Recitation of the Holy Rosary and, afterwards, the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The Holy Mass was very moving, one can sense the Divine Sacredness of the celebration. After the Holy Mass, we joined the other pilgrims in qeueing up on designated places to be anointed with Holy Oil. The Extraordinary (Lay) Ministers, who were tasked with the Anointing, were not just putting the Holy Oil in our forehead, but sincerely praying over us, one by one.

Some thoughts about Holiness

To be holy literally means to be "set apart for a special purpose or use." ( Thus, all of us, Christians, are called to set our lives apart from the standards of this world. We need to live a life that is consistent to the greatest commandments of the Lord, that is,“to love the Lord, our God, with all our hearts, with all our souls, and with all our minds; and to love our neighbors as ourselves." (cf. Matthew 22:37-39) Only by taking these commandments by heart and translating it into action can we truly achieve the Holiness willed by God.


Photo Credit: Encyclopedia Britannica
I was browsing the internet looking for something when I accidentally clicked on a website dedicated to Philippine history. In that website were old pictures of Filipinos dating back to late 19th century and early 20th century. As I went on scanning the page and looking at the pictures one by one, a realization hit my mind: ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE PICTURES ARE NOW DEAD! And this is the same inevitable fate that awaits each one of us.



Year of the Laity 2014

God our Father we thank you for the gift of the Filipino laity for the Church.

After every invocation let us say:
          We praise you and we thank you!

For the motherhood of Mary, first among the disciples, Mother of the Philippines, we glorify you.
          We praise you and we thank you!